Dana Bjarner

  • About

    Underwater and wildlife photographer, storyteller and conservationist.

    Sports: freediving, scuba diving, longboard, etc.

  • Fun Fact

    I think I find my motivation through my travels, and the stories I want to tell after having lived unique experiences, the people I met, what I learned, and the incredible encounters that nature gives me.

    I am also motivated by being able to teach people, through my art, a more sustainable way of life and being more connected to nature.


    “To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of life.”

    It's a Quote from one of my favorite movies - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

    Thermos: I am currently using the 32oz one as it is perfect to transport on any trip and I would always need water to stay hydrated.